Discover the source of your creativity

Intuitive Painting – a holistic, healing experience

  • Painting as a tool for your joie de vivre, your vitality and your inner growth
  • get in touch with your own creativity and let it flow
    get to know yourself better (feelings, desires, body sensations…)
  • Listen to your own inner voice and let your intuition guide the picture “as if by itself”
  • Relaxation for body, mind and soul
  • Playfulness & joy of experimentation, getting in touch with your inner child
  • Painting as a tool for your joie de vivre, your vitality and your inner growth
  • get in touch with your own creativity and let it flow
    get to know yourself better (feelings, desires, body sensations…)
  • Listen to your own inner voice and let your intuition guide the picture “as if by itself”
  • Relaxation for body, mind and soul
  • Playfulness & joy of experimentation, getting in touch with your inner child

What is intuitive painting?

Intuitive painting is so much more than creating a “beautiful/perfect picture”.
It is more about your experience in the creative process of painting than about the result.

It’s about discovering the inner voice of your heart, getting in touch with it and listening to its impulses. Intuitive painting opens up a space in which these impulses can flow unfiltered onto the page.

The key lies in expressing everything exactly as it wants to be.

Intuitive painting can reveal concrete images, symbols and motifs – but the picture can also remain completely abstract.

You do not need any previous experience or knowledge to take part in the course.

How does intuitive painting work?

Introduced by a short meditation, accompanied by gentle music, you will go on a colourful journey of discovery during intuitive painting, where colours and shapes invite you to a lively game.

Your individual painting process

By painting with different pencils and materials (pastels, felt-tip pens, coloured pencils, watercolours, glitter…) you bring to earth what is alive in you at the moment.
It becomes tangible and visible.

I invite you to an exciting experience in which your ideas and impulses will guide you and you can entrust yourself completely to the deep process.

I am there for you the whole time and also accompany you with the impulses that I receive which are different in every painting session and from person to person.


In the guided final meditation, everything that you have experienced and absorbed during the painting can sink into you and have an effect.

At the end, there is the option of sharing if you feel the need to immerse yourself in your painting together.


Single lesson
120 min. / 250,00 €
180 min. / 370,00 €

In a group
120 min. / 72,00 € (p. p. from a group of 3 persons)

Current courses and events

Provided (on site):

  • Canvas 30 x 40cm (larger on request)
  • Acrylic colours
  • Various pens and paints (pastels, felt-tip pens, coloured pencils, watercolours, glitter…)
  • Brushes

Breathe out…
Come fully into your body.
Observe what it triggers in you when you begin to apply the colour to the canvas.

With each brushstroke you sink deeper into yourself, your body relaxes and your thoughts come to rest.

A space for playfulness and joy is created.

Kreativität entfalten

Formen und Farben inspirieren dich, deiner Kreativiät freien Lauf zu lassen und dich in Anbindung an diese sprudelnde Quelle zu erleben.

Meditation im Tun

Begleitet von sanfter Musik, gelangst du in einen meditativen Zustand, in dem du entspannst und die Stimme deines Herzens hörbar wird.


Gefühle fühlen

Durch deine Präsenz während des Malens kannst du tief in deine Gefühlswelt hineinsinken und authentisch das zum Ausdruck bringen, was gerade da ist.

Voices of participants



Art allows me to unfold myself freely and feel my essence. When I paint, I notice how my mind switches off and I can playfully engage with what I want to express in the form of colour. I love sharing this colourful space of creativity with other people.

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