Feeling University

The place for your awakening
and healing process

Feeling University

The place for your awakening
and healing process


⋙ Are you ready to experience yourself fully in the intensity of your feelings?
⋙ To blossom through them?
⋙ To awaken through them?

At Feeling University, we offer you the opportunity to truly experience yourself in your feelings in staggered modules online. Through our tools, which you can integrate into your everyday life, you learn to use your feelings as living resources and to make peace with them.

Experience the Feeling University with Nahizji from home at your own pace.

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Die Säulen des Fühlens

Why is feeling so important?

More consciousness in everyday life

Suppressing our feelings causes depression, burnouts, back pain, eating disorders and numerous other mental and physical illnesses.

When we become aware of our feelings, receive them in a non-judgemental way, they become available energies for us.

Through feeling, we begin to use their qualities, which clears our potentials and allows complete recovery to take place.

Feeling noticeably raises your quality of life.

Space is created in you for more joie de vivre and an increase in strength that you can use for your everyday life and your projects. You become increasingly solution-oriented and thus more efficient in your actions.
Feeling supports your awareness and helps you to achieve more clarity in all areas of your life. This clear view will also make it easier for you to deal with your fellow human beings and with yourself. Feeling naturally promotes your development and supports your healing process.

What holds you back
from feeling your feelings?

The old conditioning

In our childhood we have learned that if we show our feelings we will be punished, rejected or ignored. From this, protective mechanisms of suppression and adaptation have developed in us.

How does this show up in your everyday life?
For example, how do you react when someone is late for an appointment?

What do you feel at that moment?
What does it do to you?
Are you angry, sad or even disappointed?
How do you deal with it?

Exactly at this point an old tendency in you takes hold, which you have internalised as a protective mechanism. You unconsciously use it to suppress the feelings that show up here.
For example, you start to eat, watch television, smoke or complain to someone.

These avoidance strategies are manifold & they all lead you away from yourself.

What does it mean,
to truly feel your feelings?

The practice in everyday life

In the presence training you learn to sharpen your perception in order to notice feelings such as anger, sadness, powerlessness, restlessness, frustration, and sensations such as pain, tightness, pressure…. instead of ignoring them.

You practice withdrawing your attention from the distracting thoughts that try to prevent you from feeling.

We accompany you through a body scan, which you learn through us, into your body, into the areas where you can practise reading your feelings and taking them in fully with the help of conscious breathing.

In this way, over time, you will be able to meet your feelings without judgement and use the liberated energy in this way for your life.

True feeling liberates.

What are the benefits of feeling?


⋙ Joy
⋙ Health
⋙ Clarity
⋙ Creativity
⋙ Inner Stability and Calm
⋙ Recognition of belief patterns
⋙ Efficient acting
⋙ Harmony with yourself and others
⋙ feeling truly nourished
⋙ Weight optimisation
⋙ Relaxation
⋙ Energy increase

What does it mean to feel?

True feeling is value-free.
It surrenders to every change.
It perceives.
It turns lovingly towards others.
It allows everything in the present moment to be exactly as it is.


"Without feeling
there is no development.
Development is feeling
in its extension."

Our offering for you

Next start date: 18th March

In the Feeling University we show you how to meet your feelings in a mindful, attentive and loving way.

We support you with your current issues such as family, partnership, children, school, career, business, health, etc. You receive tools that we have also learned and use for our development.

We will practice these tools together with you in the weekly Zoom meetings and deepen them through meditations and individual conversations.

We will show you the way to embed the tools for conscious feeling into your everyday life.

The foundation of the Feeling University is Nahizji, an enlightened master who teaches us the path of the teaching of devotion through the practice of conscious feeling in all circumstances to come closer to our true self.

As the founder of the Feeling University, she continually provides us with the updates and accompanies us in our dynamic processes of development that occur as we live with her and also expand our presence into deeper and deeper levels of awareness.

We accompany you

on your way to conscious feeling


Jiyanh's approach is compassionate, receiving and caring. Through her words and presence she reaches people deeply and encourages them to look within softly and clearly. With her open heart she feels what serves the person in the present moment in their development. Jiyanh touches people's hearts through singing and intuitive tones, using her voice as an instrument of god to transform and heal.


With her being, La'inesh reminds us again and again of the joy that is inherent in our hearts and naturally wants to live out and discover life. With her flourishing creativity, La'inesh enriches all our spheres of activity and our daily life together. She is our eye of intuition: with sensitivity and clarity she receives the divine impulses that support and guide us on the path of the heart.


With her clarity and all-encompassing vision, Nem-Tha directly penetrates what is not in balance and reacts to it with precise and everyday actions. 
Nem-Tha's martial power of implementation provides the necessary power to manifest ideas earthly. 
She has the gift of creating a clear structure in any chaos, which brings people back on track.

Our keys for you

We give you tools that support your awareness
and which you can use for yourself in everyday life at any time:

Presence Training

You learn to train your mindfulness and alertness and thus to perceive your feelings and sensations more clearly.

Conscious recognition

In the reflection work you learn to see through and recognise your belief patterns and to freely live through and transform the feelings that are connected with them. In this way, the blockages that have slowed down your energy so far are increasingly dissolved.

Next course start

18th March 24


4-week overview:

Week 1

Perception & Presence

Perception & Presence

What is presence anyway?
How do I recognise presence?

Week 2


Belief patterns

How do the patterns show themselves?
How do I recognise that I am in the pattern right now?

Week 3

& Ego


Where do I experience the most resistance? How do I recognise the ego?
How do we deal with it?

Week 4



Wo und warum gebe ich sie ab?
Was ist der Gewinn, wenn ich die Verant- wortung abgebe?

Week 1

Perception & Presence

Perception & Presence

What is presence anyway?
How can I recognise presence?

Week 2


Belief patterns

How do the patterns show themselves?
How do I recognise that I am in the pattern right now?

Week 3

& Ego


Where do I experience the most resistance? How do I recognise the ego?
How do we deal with it?

Week 4



Wo und warum gebe ich sie ab?
Was ist der Gewinn, wenn ich die Verant- wortung abgebe?



177 for 4 weeks

We accompany you with:
  • Weekly live meetings via Zoom (4 in total, 1,5 hours each) with possibility of sharing
  • Meditations
  • Presence teaching
  • Tasks for the current week
  • Exchange in a Telegram group
  • Possibility of two one-on-one meetings (20 min.) by phone or zoom
  • Individual, useful tools

Dare to jump.

We will go together.

Do you want to register now?
Or do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us.

Do you want to go even deeper?


Advanced module (12 weeks)
Prerequisite: Completion of module 1
999 for 12 weeks
  • 2 hrs of Zoom per week in the group
  • weekly 1:1 conversations per Zoom/call
  • Eye-to-Eye: Introduction into our most important tool
  • Telegram-Group
  • Development of your own spiritual practice
  • tried and tested Inner Work Tools for everyday use
  • the difference between emotion and feeling
  • to live spirituality
  • your light body process
  • "Leave the story!"


Yes! Anyone can learn to feel.

It requires a certain amount of discipline, determination and patience. It is a steady, ever refining process that is different for everyone and takes different amounts of time.

The changes that come with truly feeling may not be immediately apparent to you, but it does work – on all levels of your being.

We are happy to support you in becoming more aware of your development process. The exchange in the Telegram group is also helpful to bring more awareness into your development.

All the knowledge we pass on is based on our own experience. It is based on the teachings of the Mystery School, which we receive from Nahizji.

What is special about our community is that we actually LIVE and embody this knowledge, so that awakening takes place on all levels of our being.

Nahizji, awakened Kundalini Master and founder of the Holistic Life Home, is the source of our being and working.
In the Feeling University she works through us with her energy as we carry what we have learned from her to you.
Her presence is pure, compassionate and guiding. In her clear, loving field, the path of the heart is revealed to those who are willing. She accompanies seekers in their soul development by reminding them of the power of surrender, which they can integrate into their daily lives.

Would you like to learn more about Nahizji or work with her directly?


You do not need any previous experience to participate in the first module of the Feeling University. Anyone who feels addressed and attracted is welcome.
Participation in the second module requires the completion of the first module, as it is an advanced module in which we follow up on the first module in terms of content and practice.

In order to internalise the exercises for feeling, it takes a little more time in the beginning.
If you practise regularly, after a while feeling will flow into your everyday life by itself.

You can easily book your module via our event calendar “TuCalendi”: Click here

You can pay by Paypal, credit card or SEPA bank transfer.

You should aim to be live at every meeting so that you get the most benefit from Feeling University.
It’s important to stay on the ball to show the energy what you really want.

If you still can’t make it, you can ask us for the recording of the last meeting. We will send you the link and you can watch the whole session.

There is no provision for early exit from our FU modules.

Du bist rastlos und auf der Suche.
Du merkst, dass etwas fehlt in deinem Leben –
doch was ist es?
Wie kannst du es erkennen?
Und welcher Weg führt dorthin?

Die Feeling University zeigt dir auf der Suche zu dir
den Weg zurück zu deinem wahren Selbst.

Die Feeling University ist eine Plattform für deine individuelle Seelenentwicklung. Ein von Nahizji umfassend ausgebildetes Team, das bereits viele eigene innere Prozesse erlebt und durchfühlt hat, begleitet dich auf deinem Weg ins bewusste Fühlen.

Auf der Basis der Lehre der Mysterienschule der Isis
vermitteln wir dir unsere Werkzeuge der inneren Arbeit:

Die Fleur-de-lys als Logo


Die Mysterienschule bewahrt uraltes Wissen und öffnet durch das Erfühlen der Gefühle die Seelenentwicklung, die den Weg zum Herzen ebnet.
In der Schule lernen wir, die männlichen und weiblichen Qualitäten willkommen zu heißen und für unsere Entwicklung zu nutzen.

Härte zum Beispiel, wenn wir sie negativ einsetzen, richtet sich gegen uns –
Härte in der erlösten Form jedoch ist klar und gibt Grenzen.

Aus der Balance der männlichen und weiblichen Qualität erwächst die kindliche Kraft, die ganz frei und natürlich an die Weisheit des Kosmos angeschlossen ist. Das Kind wird durch die göttlichen Impulse ständig wiederbelebt: Gott schickt Funken, die das Kind empfängt.

All diese Qualitäten tragen wir in uns und verlangen danach, zu erblühen.
Ihr ausgewogenes Zusammenspiel ist entscheidend für unsere Seelenentwicklung.







Wahrhaftiges Fühlen...

– setzt Energie frei,
– klärt deine Gedanken,
– erhöht die Liebesfähigkeit,
– aktiviert die Bewusstwerdung,
– stabilisert deine Präsenz,
– aktiviert Heilenergie.

Der Weg nach Hause

Willst du mit uns den Weg nach Hause antreten? Dich erinnern?

Das wahrhaftige Fühlen ist wie das Erlernen einer neuen Sprache.

Es ist die Sprache der Seele, des Herzens.

Diese neue Sprache kennt keine Konzepte und Regeln – sie ist frei fließend und fordert dich auf, dich immer wieder neu zu entdecken.
Wach zu bleiben.
Neugierig zu sein.

Bist du bereit, dich dem Leben anzuvertrauen?

Warum fühlen?

Fühlen schafft Stabilität.
Fühlen lässt dich er-wach(s)en.
Fühlen führt dich zu Dir.

* mehr Präsenz im Alltag

* Seelenentwicklung: Klärung, Transformation von Glaubens- und Verhaltensmustern

* Bewusstseinserhöhung

* Klarheit

* Erhöhung der Liebesfähigkeit




Die Menschen denken über die Gefühle nach. Die Gefühle sind an Gedanken gekoppelt, aber sie erleben sie nicht physisch / körperlich.

Weil sie an Gedanken angekoppelt sind, beurteilt man die Gefühle und hält sie im Gedankenkonstrukt fest. Man erlebt sie nicht. Man ist damit persönlich identifiziert: Was habe ich damit zu tun? Schuld, Pflicht etc. Was ist mit mir falsch? Es wird zum Problem.

Du kämpfst gegen das Gefühl, der Verstand wehrt es ab, beschuldigt sich und andere. Weil es nicht erlaubt ist, das Gefühl im Körper zu erleben, beginnt es, konfliktbetont das Fühlen durch Gedanken abzuwehren. Indem es Schuldzuweisungen gibt, sich oder andere verurteilt und gewohnte Abwehrmechanismen durch Gedanken nutzt.

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