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family counseling

Conscious counseling for families,
online via Zoom and on site

Family life –
Living together authentically

You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for conscious family counseling that looks attentively to the bottom and gives you and your family the chance to see through and break old patterns of behavior for a more relaxed and freer togetherness, in which obligations and everyday fights are replaced by loving letting-be.

Eine Familie läuft Hand in Hand in den Sonnenuntergang.

“Family - this is where life begins.”

For whom is family counseling
and what is happening here?

Conscious family counseling is aimed at people who feel disharmony within their family that they would like to resolve, people who want a fresh start in a deadlocked situation and want to start a new form of communication in a more conscious and open way.

Regardless of whether you are dealing with a classic mother-father-child(-er) constellation or any other form consisting of two or more generations: The inner work will help you to recognize the issues that lie beneath the conflict situations and to feel what they trigger in you. This feeling, initially accompanied, in an open and compassionate space of presence, later more and more self-guided, will help you to approach future conflicts in a more relaxed and authentic way and to create a space of presence yourself in which other family members can follow you into recognizing and feeling and thus into a more conscious communication.

In this way, old family issues can heal and more joy and ease can return to your life together.


Price for a single counseling session
120,- € / hour

Price for a counseling session for two
200,- € / hour

I am here for you.

Important points of my work:

→ Mindful communication – listening – expressing authentically

→ Loving togetherness

→ Conveying clarity

→ Making natural consequences tangible

→ Giving space to feelings

→ Joyful learning, practicing, patience

Namitan freut sich auf die bewusste Familienberatung mit ihren Klienten, die tiefer schauen wollen.



Through my training as an educator, additional training in curative education, many years of experience in the home, two children of my own and an additional 6 years of experience as a childminder in one-to-one care, I have developed a view of children’s needs that is based on the strengths and potential of each individual child and emphasizes freedom for development.

With a great deal of calm and patience, I offer earthly and creative approaches to solutions that allow everyone involved their own form of communication and bring them together in an easy way.

The 14 years of developmental work with Nahizji also provides me with a basis from which I can clearly perceive all those involved from my own authenticity and lead them to their own clarity.

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