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inner Work

Living spirituality in your everyday life

The spiritual funfair

Der spirituelle Jahrmarkt Inner Work im Holistic Life Home

Many people think that when they hop from one spiritual seminar to another, they can apply the insights they gain there to their lives and thus resolve their problems.

However, the encrusted, underlying issues that permanently block them in their development remain completely untouched in this consumer behavior.

What do you really need for your inner liberation?

Der spirituelle Jahrmarkt Inner Work im Holistic Life Home
Nahizji im Spiegel Inner Work Reflexionsarbeit

Every development needs a mirror of presence.

In the conscious community with Nahizji, we live in a permanent area of reflection with a high level of intensity that offers no space to avoid our own issues and feelings.

The clear, conscious mirror that we are for each other leads us directly into our resistances and limitations, so that we can break the patterns that have blocked us so far by feeling through the underlying feelings with our own strength.

Seelenentwicklung im Alltag gemeinsam kochen

Soul development in everyday life

Expanding our capacity for love for the feelings and themes that arise in everyday life constantly pushes our soul development.
In this process, the devotion we serve leads us, freeing us from old patterns. It is the greatest attraction that we follow wholeheartedly.

The steady rise we experience through it brightens our energy, heals old wounds and allows us to see more clearly. Joy and strength are our faithful companions in this process of ascension, which we walk together and share with others.

“We offer people who want to look deeper not a spiritual fair where they can distract themselves and numb themselves, but a path where they can discover their own light, allowing everything that was previously suppressed to come to the surface.”

Our teacher: Nahizji

Das Team vom Holistic Life Home mit Nahizji in einer Besprechung

The basis for our being and working in the Holistic Life Home is Nahizji, who teaches us through her groundbreaking words and her loving and clear presence in the teaching of devotion, which is the basis of Inner Work. She has trained us extensively in Inner Work over several years.

„The revolution of your heart is the liberation of your soul.
To live what it wants to live,
to live what it is meant to live
and what you were created for.“

- Nahizji

Inner Work…

You won’t get any spiritual entertainment from us.
We offer you a spiritual experience directly in action, so that you can learn
what it means to live true spirituality.
Because without living it, there is no development,
and without development your soul withers away.

But your soul is here to blossom.
Your heart hears its call.

Inner Work for you

Inner Work in community offers you a mirror of presence that allows you to consciously face your unresolved issues.

Any idea of how you or others should be, how they should see you, what you think you need, what others should do for you, any expectation that you harbor within yourself that tells you that this and that should be the case so that you can be happy…

These are all constructs that prevent you from truly experiencing and developing.

Meditation auf einem Berg Inner Work in Gemeinschaft

With us in the conscious community, in the field of Nahizji, you can learn through the tools of Inner Work to recognize all these ideas and expectations of your mind and to clear the underlying belief patterns and previously suppressed feelings.

In this process of becoming aware, your comfort zones become visible, to which the ego wants to bind you with great vehemence in order to keep you stuck in the old.

You will recognize the mechanisms you have practiced to avoid feelings and pain that arise and learn to transform stuck energies in your body system into a source of strength through conscious attention and to heal yourself.

Frau berührt Spiegel mit ihrer Hand, Reflexion im Inner Work.
Frau berührt Spiegel mit ihrer Hand, Reflexion im Inner Work.

In our versatile Inner Work program, we provide you with tools to train your presence in everyday life so that you can increasingly see everything you encounter as an opportunity to become aware and use it for yourself.

We are happy to share with you how this can work and which tools we use for this.

inner Work Offers
at a glance

Hand berührt Getreide in der Natur

Inner Touch

Body treatments:

Intuitives Tanzen und Yoga im Holistic Life Home

Inner Movement

Body movements:

Inner Work schult…

  • deine Herzenspräsenz und löst deine Aufmerksamkeit zunehmend von den Vorstellungen und Erwartungen des Verstandes.

  • deine Fähigkeit, andere Perspektiven einzunehmen, mit Herausforderungen umzugehen und lösungsorientiert zu handeln.

  • deine Liebesfähigkeit, die dich darin unterstützt, dich dem, was dir begegenet, zu öffnen und dich damit zu entspannen.

  • deine emotionale Stabilität, so dass du auch in Beziehungen und herausfordernden Situationen in deinem Herzen verankert bleibst.

  • deine Wachsamkeit und Präsenz in jeglichen Lebensbereichen.
Frau hält ihre rechte Hand auf ihrem Herzraum und verbindet sich mit ihrem Herzen.

Free yourself through feeling

4-day online workshop
Mon, 10.03.-Thurs, 13.03.25

In this online workshop, you will learn from the ground up what it means to truly feel and how you can use this practice more and more for yourself and integrate it into every area of your life.

Online Program

Feeling University im Holistic Life Home.

Feeling University

4-week Online Course via Zoom,
Next date: Coming soon

The place for your awakening and healing process

At Feeling University, we show you how to be mindful, attentive and loving towards your feelings.

We support you with your current issues such as family, partnership, children, school, career, business, health, etc.

You will receive tools that we have also learned and use for our development. We will practise these together with you in the weekly Zoom meetings and deepen them further through meditations and one-to-one conversations.

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