The place for
healing and transformation
The place for
healing and transformation
We are a conscious community of people who have decided to follow the path of devotional teaching with the enlightened master Nahizji, in which she has been instructing us for several years.
Our focus is on soul development, for which everyday life serves as our greatest teacher.
In consciously living together, we constantly remind ourselves that we are a mirror for each other, showing us our deeply hidden issues and feelings, which we use the tools of Inner Work to transform.
"Our work is our prayer.
Our meditation is our self-reflection.
Our development is our mission."
Nahizji works as a ambassador of Mary Magdalene who instructs true seekers in the teachings of devotion through the awakening of their Kundalini. This teaching leads you to recognise what your true nature is. It opens up to you the life task that is destined for your soul. Feeling and living this task in your heart will be your liberation. Living what your heart wants is the key to a healthy and happy life.
Nahizji’s mission is solely focused on reminding people what they are here for.
What prevents the blossoming of
your true power?
We are here for you
We have been living together in the south of France since 2023 and accompany true seekers on their path of healing and development.
In our Inner Work programme, we offer you a variety of opportunities to meet yourself, clear your body-mind system and synchronise with the track of your heart.
We look forward to going part of the way with you and accompanying you individually in your soul development.
How can you learn to meet situations and people
with love in your everyday life?
Online-Satsang mit Nahizji
da sie eine Satsang-Pause macht.
22.05. | 19.06. | 17.07.
je 19-20:30 Uhr
Inner Work Programme
“A determined heart,
that seeks change and liberation
will feel the attraction to enter into a revolution,
to shatter all limitations.”
Inner work
Inner Clearing
Life counseling
Inner Nourishment
Conscious Nutrition
Inner Creativity
Creative unfolding
Inner Touch
Body treatments
Inner Movement
Body movement
Inner Business
Business Aufbau
Inner Business
Business Development
Inner Clearing
Life counseling
Inner Nourishment
Conscious nutrition
The Team
In the field of Nahizji’s intense presence, we have all gone through a comprehensive, holistic healing process.
For several years we have been continuously instructed by her in the teachings of surrender and trained in the application of the tools of Inner Work.
In this way, her powerful energy works through us and supports you on your healing and transformation path as part of our programmes.
Erfahre Klärung für Körper und Geist
in der heilsamen Umgebung von Südfrankreich
Termin 2024:
Do., 13.06.- Do., 20.06.24
In dieser Woche öffnen wir die Schatztruhe unserer Seele.
Deine Kreativität darf sich in verschiedensten Bereichen und Aktivitäten frei entfalten und du dich darin erleben.
Spielerisch und offen: Im kraftvollen Feld der bewussten Gemeinschaft werden sich dir im kreativen Gestaltungsprozess unbekannte Räume öffnen, die dich in eine tiefere Verbindung mit deinem Herzen führen.
Termin 2024:
Mo., 08.07.- Mo., 15.07.24 in Südfrankreich
Wir öffnen die Türen für dich
Die Soul Community Time des Holistic Life Home gibt dir einen Einblick in die spirituelle Praxis unserer Gemeinschaft, die auf der Lehre der Hingabe, die uns von Nahizji vermittelt wird, basiert.
Im Alltag gemeinsam wachsen
Deine Zeit in Gemeinschaft,
dein Raum für Innenschau, Selbstreflexion und Selbsterkenntnis,
deine Einladung, dir selbst bewusst zu begegnen.
Du kannst dich jeden Samstag von 11-12 Uhr
kostenfrei einwählen & mit dabei sein.
Wir freuen uns auf Dich:
Feeling University
Online Kurs
The place for your awakening
and healing process
At Feeling University, we show you how to be mindful, attentive and loving towards your feelings.
Coming soon
Intensive detox and healing week
Clear your body and mind
in the healing environment of southern France.
Date 2024:
Mon, 30.09.- Mon, 07.10.24
"Create your life"
Playful and open, based on the tools of Nahizji’s Inner Work, your creativity can unfold freely and spontaneously in a wide variety of areas and activities during this week.
Date 2024:
Tue, 18.11.- Tue, 25.11.24 in the south of France
Soul Community Time
We open the doors for you
The Soul Community Time of the Holistic Life Home gives you an insight into the spiritual practice of our community, which is based on the teachings of devotion given to us by Nahizji.
Every Saturday from 11am-12pm, free of charge
in German language
Holistic Life Cuisine
Food that comes from the heart
and nourishes the soul
We, the Holistic Life Home Cuisine team, have focussed our work on a holistic, mindful and loving approach to nutrition, which we incorporate into various areas:
- Catering
- Manufactory
- Market stalls
Very special people and animals live here.
I was able to spend almost a week with them. During this time, I learnt an incredible amount about myself and I go back to my everyday life feeling strengthened and balanced.
The vegan lifestyle there is also amazing. The food is cooked fresh every day with an incredible amount of love and care.
5 stars and a clear recommendation for a retreat, a volunteer programme, a visit or a healing treatment. ❤️
Your support
Do you want to get involved in the Holistic Life Home?
As a holistic healing centre that is constantly evolving, we would be delighted to have your support.
If our existence and work reaches and touches you, we thank you for your appreciation, e.g. in the form of a donation.
Investoren Gesucht
… für ein Heilzentrum in Südfrankreich
Willst du in das ganzheitliche Heilzentrum des Holistic Life Home investieren?
Das Heilzentrum Holistic Life Home, das Nahizji 2020 in Deutschland gegründet hat, ist nach Frankreich ausgewandert.
Nun suchen wir dringend ein Haus, in dem die Arbeit von Nahizji und uns weiter fortgeführt werden kann. Das Zentrum, das hier nahe Rennes-le-Chateau entstehen wird, wird ein Ort der Regeneration, Heilung und Seelenentwicklung sein