Conscious Life Counseling
The path of your heart
1:1-Counseling on site or via Zoom
What does your heart really long for?
And where are you looking for it?
What we all want, what lies behind all our efforts and entanglements, is the deep desire to be loved.
But the true love we really long for is not found on the outside – neither in another person, nor in the family, nor in possessions or recognition from others for what we do or how we are…
In conscious life counseling, we explore together, based on the teachings of devotion in which Nahizji has trained me for many years, what your heart really wants to live and uncover learned patterns of thinking and behavior that have been holding you back from living a happy and authentic life.

What happens in
conscious life counseling?
In conscious life counseling, I invite you into a space of clear presence in which you will be able to clearly recognize your underlying blockages and the issues associated with them.
» Through concrete Inner Work exercises, you will learn to consciously and lovingly confront the repressed feelings from your past and to increasingly use their power FOR you and no longer direct them against you.
» You learn to be softer and more compassionate with yourself and become more aware of the mechanisms of your mind that have limited you and kept you small up to now.
» Together we will work out concrete steps that correspond to your orientation to integrate the impulses of your heart into your life, so that the change you open yourself up to does not just remain a mental construct, but becomes visible and tangible in your everyday life.

What is holding you back to be completely yourself?
“When you change,
everything changes.
What seemed impossible before becomes possible, with such precision that exactly what your heart was silently calling for is fulfilled.
God gives you everything when you trust him. He shows you how much he loves you.”
– Nahizji
Holistic, empathetic, aligned
In conscious life counseling, all your topics
from any area of your life are welcome.
The focus is on giving your issues and feelings long-term healing and freedom through loving attention, through conscious feeling, and not just mentally working through them.
You can gradually integrate the concrete tools that we use in conscious life coaching into your everyday life so that you are increasingly able to face the challenges in your life in a self-responsible, solution-oriented and joyful way.
The path of your heart opens up to you:
» more emotional stability
» more clarity and serenity in your everyday life
» healing for unfelt, repressed feelings within you
» the release of stuck blockages from past traumatic experiences
» more compassion and goodwill for yourself and others
» an expanded view of the events in your life
» more personal responsibility and focus
1:1 Counseling session
on site or via Zoom, 60 min.
» Single lesson: 120,- €
» 4-pack: 456,- € (instead of 480,- €)
» 8-pack: 888,- € (instead of 960,- €)

From dependence...
I know what it’s like to be lost and not know what to do next.
I have experienced many crises in my life, some of which have shaken me to the core.
The pivotal point for these crises were mostly relationships in which I had lost myself so deeply that my body and psyche completely collapsed at a certain point.

… into your own strength
Unconsciously, I kept looking for relationship partners who were emotionally unavailable. I experienced many years of subtle and excessive manipulation.
Anxiety and depression, back pain and exhaustion were part of my everyday life for a long time.
It was only when I moved into the Holistic Life Home, into the conscious field of Nahizji, that the deep-seated, destructive patterns that had restricted me for decades could be healed.

Conscious life counseling
I am here for you.
Through Nahizji’s loving and uncompromising teachings, daily inner work and a disciplined spiritual practice, I have been able to experience healing on all levels in recent years.
A degree in communication sciences and psychology as well as several years of intensive awareness training with Nahizji enable me to offer you a space of presence in conscious life counseling, in which you can recognize and clarify emerging issues for yourself.
You will get to know the tools of Inner Work, which you can increasingly integrate into your everyday life on your own.
I am happy to support you part of the way in your development and healing process.
You are very welcome.