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Inner Clearing -
Conscious Life Counseling

on site in the south of France or online via Zoom
Was ist Inner Clearing?

Im Raum der bewussten Lebensberatung darfst du dich ganz zeigen.
Du wirst wertfrei und offenen Herzens empfangen.

Durch Werkzeuge der inneren Arbeit wirst du darin unterstützt, tiefer zu fühlen, was dich gegenwärtig im Inneren wirklich bewegt, und die Stimme deines Herzens wieder klarer wahrzunehmen, die die Antwort auf deine Fragen bereits kennt.

Are you at a turning point in your life?

Are there certain recurring themes
for which you wish for clarification?

Are you looking for the path to transformation
for the causes of your blockages and fears?

In der bewussten Lebensberatung bist du genauso willkommen, wie du bist.

Conscious life counseling

In conscious life counseling, you will be able to use the tools of inner work in a clear space of presence to recognize your deeper blockages and the stuck issues associated with them. You will learn to consciously face the suppressed feelings from your past with love.

Family als Wort in den Sand geschrieben.

Family counseling

Are you ready to let go of old family structures in order to allow more harmony and love to flow into your life? To let go of old obligations and release others from entanglements? For more healing and joy in your life.

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